Northern Lights is a women's football team representing the Northern Football Federation in New Zealand. They currently play in the National Women's League, the top level of women's football in New Zealand. The team was previously known as Northern Football, until they were re-branded in 2018


Originally known as Northern Football, the team made their debut in the National Women's League in 2010-11, qualifying for the playoffs unbeaten, but losing 10–1 to Waikato-Bay of Plenty in the semi-final. The team have won the New Zealand Championship three times, firstly in 2011-12, beating Waikato-Bay of Plenty in the play off final 3–0, and then again the following season, this time going undefeated and beating Auckland Football 2–0 in the final. They were unable to make it a hat trick of championships in 2013 however, losing 4–2 to Mainland Pride in the final, despite topping the regular season table. In 2014 the team failed to make the playoffs, finishing sixth in the regular season, winning only two of their seven games. They then won their third title in the 2015, finishing second after the regular season, they went on to beat the NZ Development Squad 4–3 in the semi-final before going on to beat first place Mainland Pride in the final 3–4 away from home, denying their opponents a three-peat of competition titles.

On 28 August 2018, it was decided that the women's teams from Northern Football Federation would be re-branded as the Northern Lights to provide an identity for the teams, players, staff and supporters and to help build on the growth of the Female game within the region.

**Northern Lights Kvinner**

Nord-Norges stolthet på banen, Northern Lights Kvinner, er et elitelag med en ubestridelig vinnerskalle og en brennende lidenskap for fotball. Laget, som holder til i det naturskjønne Tromsø, utstråler en nordlig styrke og en ustoppelig vilje til å dominere på banen.

Northern Lights Kvinner er kjent for sitt aggressive angrepsspill, sin bevegelige midtbane og sitt solide forsvar. Laget består av talentfulle spillere fra hele Nord-Norge, som sammen danner en sammensveiset enhet. Med sin raske tempo, tekniske ferdigheter og taktiske bevissthet er Northern Lights Kvinner en formidable motstander for ethvert lag.

På hjemmebanen sin på Alfheim stadion skaper Northern Lights Kvinner en uovertruffen atmosfære som inspirerer spillere og fans alike. Lyden av supporterne som synger og roper, gir laget en ustoppelig fremdrift.

Northern Lights Kvinner har vunnet utallige trofeer og har etablert seg som en av de ledende fotballklubbene i Nord-Norge. Lagets suksess er et vitnesbyrd om det høye nivået på kvinnefotball i regionen, og det inspirerer unge jenter til å følge sine drømmer innen idretten.

Med sitt utrettelige engasjement, sin vinnerskalle og sin dype kjærlighet til fotball, er Northern Lights Kvinner en inspirasjonskilde for spillere og fans i hele Nord-Norge.