CECAFA Champions League - Kvinner


The CAF Women's Champions League CECAFA Qualifiers, sometimes called CECAFA Women's Champions League is an annual international women's association football club competition. The tournament organised by the Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations, and will involve the top women's club teams of association members nations. It is the female counterpart of the CAF Champions League.


Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations association members board meeting has decided to introduce women's clubs competitions for represents their females teams to the CAF Women's Champions League the women's continental club competition.

CECAFA Champions League - Kvinner er en årlig internasjonal fotballturnering for klubber fra medlemslandene i Confederation of East and Central African Football Associations (CECAFA). Turneringen ble først arrangert i 2021.

Lagene som deltar i turneringen blir kvalifisert gjennom sine nasjonale ligaer. Turneringen spilles i et gruppespillformat, etterfulgt av en utslagsrunde.

CECAFA Champions League - Kvinner gir klubbene i regionen en mulighet til å konkurrere mot hverandre på et høyt nivå, og å representere sine land i internasjonale konkurranser. Turneringen bidrar også til å utvikle kvinnefotballen i Øst- og Sentral-Afrika.